Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eye Exam Month & Make a Will Month

Since it was eye exam month, I figured I should follow and get my eyes examined. Actually, I'm running out of contacts so I needed to do it anyway! And I've been wanting lasik eye surgery for years, we just haven't had the money, so I finally asked the doctor about it to see what he thought and to get a "ball park" figure of how much it would cost. Yeah, costs about as much as I thought- more than we have right now. And he tells me, "the best age to get it done is 21- to maximize the benefit of having it done". Gee, thanks doc. Seeing as I can't go back in time 7 years, I think I'll just try to save up quicker and get it done before I'm 30!

Also, it's make a will month. Ian and I actually accomplished this a couple of months ago- shortly after Alex was born. We'd been wanting to do it ever since having Serra, to make sure that our wishes would be fulfilled if we were to die concerning who would raise her, etc. Since my own father's death I have learned a lot more about the legalities of wills and trusts. My father had a trust and for many different reasons Ian and I decided we should have one too. So we finally set up a living trust and have slowly been adding all of our bank accounts and assets to the trust. In a way it's horrible to think about us dying young, not being able to raise our children- some people have looked at us like we're crazy for worrying about it at our ages. But in a much larger way, it's given us some piece of mind. We know that everything will work out the way we want- we know our kids will be well taken care of emotionally and financially because we've taken the proper steps to set everything up. And now that it's done we can set that worry aside and just enjoy our time raising our children, hoping that we did it all for nothing but piece of mind! If you don't have a will or a trust, I highly recommend looking into it. You might be surprised by how courts work without one in place if you were to die. Take care of your assets, take care of your kids- all it takes is some research time to figure out what's best for you and some money to set one up with a lawyer. Anyway, that's enough on that- I'll post something cheerier next time. :)

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