A lot has happened this month and I've been a little lazy in posting the details- so here comes a lot of stuff!
First of all, after a couple of doctor's visits and prescriptions Ian is cured, but he did have a bacteria in his stomach called H. Pylori which can cause all kinds of issues. He's probably had it for years and just now broke down enough from the pain to do something about it.
Unfortunately, they think it may be hereditary, so those of you closely related to Ian: if you have frequent stomach pains or indigestion-type issues, you may want to have a blood test done to see if you have H. Pylori too. It's easily curable [a LOT of pills, but pills are easy to take, right?] Hopefully Ian doesn't get any of the other possible side effects. Also, if Ian continues to have pain, he'll have to go back in to have his gall bladder looked at.
Anyway, on a lighter note, here is my favorite picture of Serra from this month. Not only does her hair curl perfectly without any effort on my part, but you can see how much she loves her baby- she's watching a video clip on the computer, but HAS to be kissing baby [who is propped up only by the table and her lips!]

Serra also went to her first birthday party this month. It was My Little Pony themed. They had a make-up parlor and face-painting.
And here is Serra wearing her "pony tail".

October- Craft of the Month
I made Serra a little jewelry pouch that she LOVES for all her jewelry that either she or I have made.
And I finally finished my second quilt wall hanging [the only difference is that I was running out of material, so the border is a little smaller on the second one.]

Serra's dance class told everyone to come in their costumes right before Halloween so I took a few pictures- also to show how cute Serra is in her dance class. Here they are working on the barre during ballet. [Serra is the one furthest left.]
Now it's Serra's turn to walk across the room on her toes- she's actually pretty good at this one!
They also have tap, but they always stay in a circle for it so it's hard to get a good picture.

And here are our Halloween pictures. Serra is a pirate [or as Ian kept prompting her to say, "I'm a wench!"] and we're "rockers". My original shirt didn't have long enough sleeves to work with the tattoo sleeves, so I had to change last minute- wish I'd known sooner cause this shirt doesn't look as good!
Here's Serra up close- she LOVED her costume!
Serra at her first door- she didn't trust the dinosaur that made noise and opened its mouth. :)
And here's Serra with all of her "booty". :)

Hope you all had a happy Halloween!
Coming soon: pictures of our townhouse. I know, it's WAY delayed, but they'll be up today or tomorrow.
First of all, after a couple of doctor's visits and prescriptions Ian is cured, but he did have a bacteria in his stomach called H. Pylori which can cause all kinds of issues. He's probably had it for years and just now broke down enough from the pain to do something about it.
Unfortunately, they think it may be hereditary, so those of you closely related to Ian: if you have frequent stomach pains or indigestion-type issues, you may want to have a blood test done to see if you have H. Pylori too. It's easily curable [a LOT of pills, but pills are easy to take, right?] Hopefully Ian doesn't get any of the other possible side effects. Also, if Ian continues to have pain, he'll have to go back in to have his gall bladder looked at.
Anyway, on a lighter note, here is my favorite picture of Serra from this month. Not only does her hair curl perfectly without any effort on my part, but you can see how much she loves her baby- she's watching a video clip on the computer, but HAS to be kissing baby [who is propped up only by the table and her lips!]
Serra also went to her first birthday party this month. It was My Little Pony themed. They had a make-up parlor and face-painting.
October- Craft of the Month
I made Serra a little jewelry pouch that she LOVES for all her jewelry that either she or I have made.
Serra's dance class told everyone to come in their costumes right before Halloween so I took a few pictures- also to show how cute Serra is in her dance class. Here they are working on the barre during ballet. [Serra is the one furthest left.]
And here are our Halloween pictures. Serra is a pirate [or as Ian kept prompting her to say, "I'm a wench!"] and we're "rockers". My original shirt didn't have long enough sleeves to work with the tattoo sleeves, so I had to change last minute- wish I'd known sooner cause this shirt doesn't look as good!
Coming soon: pictures of our townhouse. I know, it's WAY delayed, but they'll be up today or tomorrow.
Cute pictures of Serra! I love that girl!
So what did Ian's bloodwork show? I am curious because of Sean's problem. I have his bloodwork with me. Let me know. I'm curious!
Awesome crafts, as usual!
Miss you guys!
p.s. I LOVE the baby doll picture. That is so cute!
I had that too. I had no idea it was hereditary. I had problems for years and finally went in a year ago. Yup, massive amounts of pills but there you go! Interesting!
Serra sure looks dang cute, as usual. I LOooooooooooooved the dance class pictures! What a doll!
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