Monday, November 3, 2008

A lot of guts...

Last Thursday, on my father's birthday, some jerk decided it would be a good idea to walk in our garage, open our car door, and steal my wallet- right during the time most of my neighbors were getting up and going to work! Thieves nowadays sure have a lot of guts! So I've been busy the last few days with things other than Halloween... calling VISA, closing bank accounts, ordering new cards, notifying my medical insurance in case of fraud, calling the police, writing statements, getting my picture taken. What a perfect time of year to waste money on fees for closing accounts, ordering new checks, etc. Christmas shouldn't be affected too much, but it has certainly changed the mood around here. We're constantly checking to make sure our garage is closed- and we lock our car even though it's parked in our garage [and I don't keep my wallet in the car anymore- although that one is annoying because I've driven off without it a couple times now!] It's sad that I have to adjust my life because one person took it upon themselves to try and ruin it- all for $1 in change, a $25 Sizzler gift card, and a fraudulent $45 gas charge. It's been hard trying to stay cheerful when in fact I'm thinking about all the ways to help the police catch this guy... Hopefully I can eventually forget about it enough to go back to living my life- but remember the lessons I've learned from this horrible experience! So to those of you who are even less careful than we are- beware! The world isn't as safe as you think [not even Utah is exempt from crime].


Amy said...

WHAT?!? How crazy!

Kristen said...

I know, right? Just stupid...

Anonymous said...

what a lame-o. I can't believe that.

Nana said...

yeah, Alli and Flint just had his laptop stolen from the trunk of an unlocked car in an open garage - it's a lesson you only need to learn once.
Sorry they didn't share their lesson in time to save you the hassle.
