I got a bunch of kids costumes for really cheap at a yard sale- here's Serra trying on a Darth Vader mask. Too bad that costume was too big for this year!

Alex is always making this face- I'm glad I finally caught it on camera. Fish Face!
Serra was SO excited that she helped make the pizzas for dinner.
I ran in another 5k- the Murray Moonlight Run where we decked out with glow-in-the-dark paint and flashing lights, etc. and ran in the pitch black. It was LOTS of fun!
Guess who sits at a big boy table now? Yup- I just put the highchair you see in the background in storage in the garage a couple of days ago!
I think it's funny that they're both playing with their fingers and their mouths while watching a movie- neither of them were eating...
Here's Serra with her preschool class on their first field trip- to the fire station. Serra is the ONLY one NOT wearing her hat. At least she sat there for the picture!
Here's poor Alex with his cast on. A couple of weeks ago he fell somehow and partially dislocated his elbow [nursemaid's elbow] and broke his wrist [buckle fracture]. Luckily he's not in pain anymore now that he has a cast! We get it taken off on Monday!!!
Lastly, here are the kids playing in their first "fort" with Daddy. We need to work on the fort-building a little bit, but they enjoyed it!
i loved making forts as a kid. i miss it! i wish i would have made more. and you look awesome, glad the night run went well and sounds like fun!
Looks like fun at your house can I come and play?
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