Monday, February 21, 2011

Freaked Out

So... I was going through all my saved emails and deleting ones from things that are expired, orders I've already received, etc. When I decided to look at my marathon emails- and good thing too! Turns out I somehow got signed up for-and paid for- the WRONG marathon! I signed up for the Seattle Marathon in November when I wanted the one in June! So after a total melt-down and several emails/phone calls it looks like my money will be refunded- and I was able to sign up for the correct marathon. PHEW! Good thing... seeing as I'm already in training and was planning on running with 2 sisters-in-law!

In good news... I took Alex to get some SUPER cute pictures taken of him in that basketball "uniform" I made for him- I'll post the pictures when I pick them up and scan them [they won't be ready for a couple of weeks].

We also found an awesome deal for a new wedding ring for Ian. He replaced my "fake" ring a couple of years ago- it was about time I replaced his "cheap" ring! So now he has a nice tungsten ring that just needs a little tweak in sizing- then I'll get some pictures of it too.

And, finally, we also just got back from a trip to Utah this last week. The kids and I had a lot of fun catching up with some friends & family and look forward to our next trip in April. We miss being so close to so many people we love, but it's also nice when we get back home and can just relax by ourselves!


Megan said...

If it were me, I'd be grateful for the extra time to train. A You're crazy lady! :)

Michelle said...

I would have taken the mess up as a sign that I could do more training! Good for you for changing it! Jason and I have talked alot about replacing our "cheap" rings too..mine even leaves rashes so I can hardly wear it. Are you guys going to Utah in April to be with Paige? I am so excited for her and cannot wait to see pics of the baby!

ME said...

a marathon!? wow! i can hardly keep up with the 1st graders while playing tag. although it is still a little while from now, good luck with the marathon!

Super Kimmie said...

We loved seeing you guys - see you at the Easter Egg hunt.

Julie said...

I am so impressed about the marathon! Can't wait to see pics of everything...

Amy said...

Holy macarole! That would have been disastrous! So glad you got it figured out!

p.s. I've been so self absorbed I haven't read anyone's blog lately. I forget to check blogs. But I check my email like 87 times a day. I will read and comment on every post you do if you will add my email to your list... go to settings, hit the email and mobile tab and put my email address under email notifications. I will never miss a post again!

I love you!!!
