Ian's grandmother passed away after battling cancer for nearly a year- she had brain tumors. We were so glad that we took the time to drive out to see her on the 4th of July. I had only seen her one other time in my life [when Ian's grandfather was dying]. It was a lot of fun to spend time with her and get to know her- she was a spunky lady with great personality. With her passing, Ian's parents were found with the task of clearing out her estate and getting rid of her furniture. They sent out an email letting everyone know what was available and we just had to jump on the chance- several of the items were things we were currently saving up for! So while we wish the circumstances were better, we're glad that we were able to get such a great deal- and I'm sure Gramma Mac is glad some of her stuff will be going to good use! So, here are some pictures of the things we put in our townhouse [the rest is being stored in our garage until we get a house... whenever that is!]
Ian is using his Grandpa's huge corner desk for his computers.
We have a nice, HUGE dining table- this is it at it's smallest [it has TWO leaves to add in!]
And this is our new California King bed [and nightstands from our new full bed set that's in the garage- the nightstands with the king set wouldn't fit in our tiny room with our HUGE bed!] Still working on finding some bedding- since taking this picture I found some gold satin sheets and we have just the red blanket on top, but you get the idea. :)
I had to add a couple of really cute/funny pictures of Serra this time- above she is in her carseat on the way home from the store. We had just bought some Cheerios which she really wanted- apparently so badly that she refused to let go of the box when she got tired and fell asleep right on the box!
Yes, this is Alex's walker that I just posted a cute picture of him in... Serra loves to sit in it when he's taking a nap- and seeing as she's so light, I can't really tell her she's too big for it b/c she's under the required weight limit! [She's since learned how to put her legs in so she ends up kneeling on the floor.]

1 comment:
I'm glad that you could use the furntiture that may have ended up somewhere else, but I'm sure that its staying in the family is very cool. I like you.
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