Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New Furniture!
Ian's grandmother passed away after battling cancer for nearly a year- she had brain tumors. We were so glad that we took the time to drive out to see her on the 4th of July. I had only seen her one other time in my life [when Ian's grandfather was dying]. It was a lot of fun to spend time with her and get to know her- she was a spunky lady with great personality. With her passing, Ian's parents were found with the task of clearing out her estate and getting rid of her furniture. They sent out an email letting everyone know what was available and we just had to jump on the chance- several of the items were things we were currently saving up for! So while we wish the circumstances were better, we're glad that we were able to get such a great deal- and I'm sure Gramma Mac is glad some of her stuff will be going to good use! So, here are some pictures of the things we put in our townhouse [the rest is being stored in our garage until we get a house... whenever that is!]
Ian is using his Grandpa's huge corner desk for his computers.
We have a nice, HUGE dining table- this is it at it's smallest [it has TWO leaves to add in!]
And this is our new California King bed [and nightstands from our new full bed set that's in the garage- the nightstands with the king set wouldn't fit in our tiny room with our HUGE bed!] Still working on finding some bedding- since taking this picture I found some gold satin sheets and we have just the red blanket on top, but you get the idea. :)
I had to add a couple of really cute/funny pictures of Serra this time- above she is in her carseat on the way home from the store. We had just bought some Cheerios which she really wanted- apparently so badly that she refused to let go of the box when she got tired and fell asleep right on the box!
Yes, this is Alex's walker that I just posted a cute picture of him in... Serra loves to sit in it when he's taking a nap- and seeing as she's so light, I can't really tell her she's too big for it b/c she's under the required weight limit! [She's since learned how to put her legs in so she ends up kneeling on the floor.]

Monday, October 18, 2010
Troublemakers & Negligent Parenting
So... we have this horrible set of 2 year old twins living three doors down. The main reason they are horrible has more to do with nurture than nature... they have the MOST negligent parents I have EVER met! Nearly every day these 2 can be found wandering the neighborhood- or parking lot- or street- with NO ONE watching them. Remember, I said they are TWO YEARS OLD! The father will be at work and the mother will be inside- with all doors & windows closed- doing who knows what. So, naturally, they get into a lot of trouble [but I'm sure they have nature to thank for some of that- they obviously have the dispositions to be trouble makers, it's just magnified by the lack of nurturing influence to make them otherwise.]
Anyway, there are 3 parking spots right outside our front door and for whatever reason we were using 2 one day [and Ian's brother was using the 3rd]. I look outside and see the negligent father messing with our car- our brand new Nissan Cube. Of course, I immediately zero in to see what he is doing when he moves to my brother-in-law's car and starts to pick up dozens of little red rocks off the hood of their car- rocks that are supposed to be on the ground as part of the landscaping. Then I look at our 2 year old Kia Rio and see dozens of these same rocks on it! Knowing I have a temper, I call to Ian to have him go out & talk to the guy about it- his twins were out on their own with no one watching them and had enough time to throw rocks onto all THREE of our cars! So, now we have about 100 little white scuffs on the hood of both of our cars. GRRRRRR!!!

Since I'm talking about cars, I figured I'd show off pictures of Serra & Alex in their new car seats I talked about last time- they both LOVE them!

Anyway, there are 3 parking spots right outside our front door and for whatever reason we were using 2 one day [and Ian's brother was using the 3rd]. I look outside and see the negligent father messing with our car- our brand new Nissan Cube. Of course, I immediately zero in to see what he is doing when he moves to my brother-in-law's car and starts to pick up dozens of little red rocks off the hood of their car- rocks that are supposed to be on the ground as part of the landscaping. Then I look at our 2 year old Kia Rio and see dozens of these same rocks on it! Knowing I have a temper, I call to Ian to have him go out & talk to the guy about it- his twins were out on their own with no one watching them and had enough time to throw rocks onto all THREE of our cars! So, now we have about 100 little white scuffs on the hood of both of our cars. GRRRRRR!!!
Since I'm talking about cars, I figured I'd show off pictures of Serra & Alex in their new car seats I talked about last time- they both LOVE them!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sorry... it's been a while. I had so many things to post, I just didn't! So, I decided instead of back-dating and adding 3+ posts, I would just add 1 big post with everything in it.
First of all, September was sewing month and I had all these great plans to finish some projects- and start new ones. Well, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but here's what I DID accomplish.
Yup, in 30 days I did one 30-minute project! I made one of these black curtains for the kids' room, but the hall window was still bringing light into their room during naptime. So, this month I finally managed to make a second curtain.
However, to not be so hard on myself, I did get other crafts done- just not sewing. I finished Alex's baby crafts- here are pictures to show you how his match Serra's.

Also, before I forget, October is Rollerskating Month [Serra and I will be taking advantage of this at our local roller rink this month] and Car Care Month.
Last month was filled with all kinds of fun- and this month will be too. I signed up for a parenting class which has been very enjoyable for me. We get free dinner and then Serra gets to go play at their free day care while I learn about their "nurturing parenting program". I think the things I've been learning have been helping us a lot too- Serra isn't quite as much of a handful [and surprisingly it was ME that needed to change to make that happen!] I also signed up for a free program called "Baby Steps" where Serra gets to play with their free daycare while I just chat with other moms and earn points for free baby stuff- I've used most of my points on free diapers for Alex. Woohoo! Serra's new dance class also started again- she was really enjoying it for the first couple of weeks, but it has since become something she'd rather not do. Since I already paid for October, I'll keep trying to bring her this month, but if she continues to not enjoy it- we're done! I don't want to force her into anything, but to be honest I think she loves dance she just doesn't love having to dance the way her teacher tells her to at the exact time her teacher tells her to. :) And lastly, for September, we got some new car seats! I went to a car seat inspection and for just $15 each was able to buy brand new car seats [that's a spanking deal for those of you who don't know...] So Serra has a car seat that will convert into a booster seat when she's big enough. And Alex has a convertible car seat that will turn around when he's old enough. They both love their new car seats- and I love that they don't have any history of wetting accidents or throwing up!
This month will probably be a lot like last month- only with Halloween activities added at the end. Looking forward to it and yet at the same time not so much- hopefully it isn't cold and rainy! [Oh, and in case I don't blog that day, the 24th is Sweetest Day- something we celebrated in Ohio but a lot of other people haven't heard of it. It's kind of like another Valentine's Day only it doesn't have to be for lovers- friends celebrate Sweetest Day too.] And, of course, I had to include a couple of pictures of Alex- he's getting so big!

Yes, this is him in his walker- and he can already make it move both backward & forward! He's WAY too advanced for his age in a lot of things- however, he isn't even slightly interested in rolling over [just rolling from side to side]. Eventually he'll knock it down, I'm sure- I just can't believe how much he's growing and changing! It seemed so much more gradual with Serra...
First of all, September was sewing month and I had all these great plans to finish some projects- and start new ones. Well, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but here's what I DID accomplish.
However, to not be so hard on myself, I did get other crafts done- just not sewing. I finished Alex's baby crafts- here are pictures to show you how his match Serra's.
Also, before I forget, October is Rollerskating Month [Serra and I will be taking advantage of this at our local roller rink this month] and Car Care Month.
Last month was filled with all kinds of fun- and this month will be too. I signed up for a parenting class which has been very enjoyable for me. We get free dinner and then Serra gets to go play at their free day care while I learn about their "nurturing parenting program". I think the things I've been learning have been helping us a lot too- Serra isn't quite as much of a handful [and surprisingly it was ME that needed to change to make that happen!] I also signed up for a free program called "Baby Steps" where Serra gets to play with their free daycare while I just chat with other moms and earn points for free baby stuff- I've used most of my points on free diapers for Alex. Woohoo! Serra's new dance class also started again- she was really enjoying it for the first couple of weeks, but it has since become something she'd rather not do. Since I already paid for October, I'll keep trying to bring her this month, but if she continues to not enjoy it- we're done! I don't want to force her into anything, but to be honest I think she loves dance she just doesn't love having to dance the way her teacher tells her to at the exact time her teacher tells her to. :) And lastly, for September, we got some new car seats! I went to a car seat inspection and for just $15 each was able to buy brand new car seats [that's a spanking deal for those of you who don't know...] So Serra has a car seat that will convert into a booster seat when she's big enough. And Alex has a convertible car seat that will turn around when he's old enough. They both love their new car seats- and I love that they don't have any history of wetting accidents or throwing up!
This month will probably be a lot like last month- only with Halloween activities added at the end. Looking forward to it and yet at the same time not so much- hopefully it isn't cold and rainy! [Oh, and in case I don't blog that day, the 24th is Sweetest Day- something we celebrated in Ohio but a lot of other people haven't heard of it. It's kind of like another Valentine's Day only it doesn't have to be for lovers- friends celebrate Sweetest Day too.] And, of course, I had to include a couple of pictures of Alex- he's getting so big!
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