A lot of stuff happened this month, so I'm sorry that there are so many pictures, but I couldn't just leave some out!

I was making a birthday cake for the Relief Society birthday party and Serra wanted to make a cake too.

Serra walking in the snow.

I made a slightly bigger version of a blanket that I had made for baby doll before- Serra loves that they have matching blankets.

One of Serra's favorite past-times is to pretend she's taking a nap. [Daddy is better at faking than Serra is...]

I finally finished Serra's quilt- now I need to get a jump start on Alex's and finish his sooner!

I also made 5 sets of Christmas cards this month. I'm all set on Christmas cards for the next few years. :)

An outfit I made for Alex- they were both harder than they looked!

6 Months Pregnant

Serra going swimming- the one day I bring a camera and she doesn't want to do anything. In fact, she's turned around and telling me to get in the water too.

Serra blowing bubbles in the pool- something she learned from her swimming class.

We had an early Easter egg hunt this year- and Serra was a little confused at first.

But then she got the hang of it and loved picking candy up.

Serra's showing me how heavy her bag is getting.

She was so intrigued by the candy coming out of the egg, she kept closing and opening it- probably trying to figure out how to get it to make more candy.

Another one of Serra's favorite past-times: putting stickers on anything that doesn't move for at least a minute. Today's subject: Daddy's arm.

A third favorite past-time is watching movies with Aunt Paige.

We had a garage sale this last Saturday [made over $300!] and sent Serra over to play with a friend- she took a nap on their living room floor instead.

And finally, my last craft for the Craft Month- a summer pots wreath!
FYI- April is International Guitar Month, National Humor Month and Uh-Oh Month. April 28th is Kiss Your Mate Day- make sure to take advantage of that one! :)
wow!! she is growing up! She is too adorable! And you are an awesome crafty person! I would have thought the outfit you made Alex was store bought! I am green with envy for how productive you are compared to me! You will need to send me the directions for that wreath..that is totally cool! I could make one for Buckeye season! love ya miss ya!
How on earth are you finding time to do all this stuff- you are amazing. Serra's quilt is awesome. It sounds like we are doing you're shower in the morning after the wedding- we are so excited and can't wait- your pregnant belly is so cute!
Apologizing for too many pictures?? That's the best part!
Alex's outfit looks awesome! Good job!
The wreath is ADORABLE. I might just have to copy that. I love it!
LOVE the Christmas cards! I think I need to try some of those too!
The quilt looks amazing!
You look so adorable! and I LOVE your hair!
Can't wait to see you next month!
Love, Amy
Are you back in town? Playgroup and bookclub are tomorrow (Tues). Palygroup at 10 and bookclub at 7 at my house. Hope to see you .
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