I'm way behind... so get ready for some mad blogging in the next day or two! Here's my attempt to demonstrate the rest of what happened in August!
Trying to get a family picture in the photo booth at the Outer Limits Fun Zone in Pocatello [I cheated, this is actually from July].
Serra LOVES her vanity- part of the furniture we got from Ian's grandmother's estate and now that we're in our "big" house we have room for it to be out of storage!
Alex has discovered Serra's dress-up stuff... we're going to be making some new, more "boy-ish" additions at Christmas. :)
We have our "movie room" back and were able to set up our popcorn machine for the first time- needless to say, we have unsalted, unbuttered air-popped popcorn at least once a week and it's a new fave.
A mask given out at a local parade- Alex doesn't like things that cover his face much.
Serra dressed as "Belle" and hugging her cousin, Scott.
The back-end of some pjs I bought while we were in Big Bear, CA for Serra's birthday. She loves the moose on her bum!
Such a darling boy- but always comes a little TOO close to the camera.
The kids walking/running around- in typical fashion of Alex following directly behind Serra.
August is $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi and they had a new exhibit this year called Trilobite Treasures where you dig up your own fossils. Here's Serra with all her digging gear.
Put to work!
The fossils we've found... really, they're just random rocks Alex decided to put in the bucket. Thanks for helping, bud.
Alex and all his digging gear. His glasses really were supposed to be upside down- they fit on littler heads better that way apparently...
After digging for fossils, we went to the dinosaur museum to see some much bigger, much cooler fossils that professionals dug up.
Alex and a huge dino-foot.
Serra comparing her foot to the huge foot.
Alex touching a T-Rex claw.
Serra brushing fake fossils in the play area. It was a very fun day- we got 1 real fossil from our own dig and they each got to choose a toy from the dinosaur museum gift shop. Can't wait for next year's $2 Tuesdays!

I forgot that you were back in Utah! Way to take advantage of the cheap stuff at an expensive place. ;) I love you Kristen! (And that first picture of everyone stuffed into a photo booth is awesome. :) )
I know I missed $2 tuesdays this year- bummer! Looks like you had a fun month!
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