I held a Jingle Bell Jog- just a 1 miler around our neighborhood. Here we are all decked out ready to run!
This is us in our Christmas PJs from "the Elf" on Christmas Eve.
Mom & Dad's stockings. :)
Our Christmas tree- with all the presents [it always ends up being more than we plan]!
Serra not believing her eyes when she sees what Santa brought her [even though she made sure to tell every Santa she saw- and anyone else who would listen that she wanted a Barbie castle]!
Alex playing with his toy from Santa.
Alex was much more excited that he not only got candy from Santa, but Mommy & Daddy were going to open it for him and let him eat it BEFORE breakfast!
Serra got a new dry erase writing tablet- and the first thing she wrote was her name!
Ian's sister, Lorie, got married on the 30th and so we drove down for the wedding in LA.

[I designed the cake- I was given a picture of the ribbon style she wanted and a huge pile of ribbons and this is what I came up with!]

Serra fractured her right elbow and was in a splint and sling for the wedding pictures... AWESOME!!! Now she has a red cast- too bad we didn't have it for the wedding as it would have actually matched!
Yikes for the injury, I hope she's getting better quickly, but I love your cute little family. And you. :) I love that you held a run for Christmas. That's awesome!
Straight up that cake is awesome! You are so talented! I love her barbie castle! You look awesome in the wedding pictures as well!
Both the kids are very cute..Hoping for some more photo of them..
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It looks like you guys had a great Christmas! I love the picture of Serra looking at her castle. So cute!
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