I'm going to be posting several things today to catch up- so here's the first one with just some fun pictures to show some of the random things we've been up to the last 2 months.

Such a proper princess- even on a slide!

Serra and Alex with their buddies Kyle & Kaden.

Mr. T. I mean, Alex.

A typical silly Serra face...

Want to get rid of your dandelions? Invite my daughter over... Serra LOVES to pick flower bouquets for herself.

This picture cracks me up because I have a similar one of Serra eating my toothbrush & sitting in the sink at about the same age!

Serra roller skating- it lasted about as long as this picture. She decided she wanted to walk or be carried or play arcade games instead of standing on wheels.

We got our own arcade game- and Serra was having a blast testing it out with her Uncle Brandon.

Our local fire department had a fun day where we could see all the fire trucks and eat popcorn & cake. Here they are with an "old school" fire engine.

We're super excited about going to Disneyland in a few weeks- Serra is going to love it because she always HAS to give a big hug to anyone dressed in a huge fluffy costume!

Serra has noticed that she's not a big fan of Daddy going to work and begs him to stay home all the time. And now, recently, she plays "going to work" and tells me goodbye, walking out of her room with her "lunch" and when I go to find her she's like this- "at work"!

Alex LOVES to climb- this is the best picture I've managed to get, but he usually stands completely on the oven door so he can reach the top stuff.