At the beginning of the month we went to Ian's youngest brother's college graduation at BYU-I. Congrats, Brandon!

Serra "carried" her baby in her jacket because she saw Ian carrying Alex that way when we were outside walking in the snow [Alex didn't have his own jacket at the time].

Everyone celebrated Ian's 31st birthday after Brandon's graduation- Serra helped blow out the candles.

Alex has yet to figure out the point of puzzles...

Both of our kids LOVE bath time. [And don't worry that's bath crayon on the wall, not real crayon. :) ]

Serra and Alex sharing some Cheerios while watching a movie on Serra's princess couch.

The Barbie furniture Serra and I painted- and yes, I let her do most of the painting [she just needed some guidance to prevent having a 1/4-inch thick blob on the seat of the chair!]

We went to Utah and saw my sister- and I threw a baby shower for her [in case you couldn't tell, she's holding some baby boy clothes up to her preggo belly!]

We also had a yard sale- Serra and Alex liked sitting in the boxes while we cleaned up after.

AND we had an Easter egg hunt with my Aunt & Uncle in Orem- Alex loved the eggs.

Serra was thrilled with having so much candy that she had to empty her bucket several times into a grocery bag- here's her spoils!

Happy Easter- bunny ears for both of them [not sure why they were both naked... I slept in a little bit and this is how they were "dressed" when I woke up to do Easter baskets.]

Alex discovered that he LOVES chocolate- here he is eating some Easter chocolate.

And both of our kids LOVE smoothies- here they are drinking GREEN smoothies [half spinach, half fruits].

Ian was warming up for a run and Serra decided that she needed to stretch too. :)

And, finally, here is Serra- I mean, Rapunzel. Whenever she watches Tangled she has to get her blanket and wrap it like this to resemble Rapunzel's long hair. I thought it was rather clever- even if it did take me about an hour to figure out what she was doing!

Serra "carried" her baby in her jacket because she saw Ian carrying Alex that way when we were outside walking in the snow [Alex didn't have his own jacket at the time].
Everyone celebrated Ian's 31st birthday after Brandon's graduation- Serra helped blow out the candles.

Alex has yet to figure out the point of puzzles...
Both of our kids LOVE bath time. [And don't worry that's bath crayon on the wall, not real crayon. :) ]
Serra and Alex sharing some Cheerios while watching a movie on Serra's princess couch.
The Barbie furniture Serra and I painted- and yes, I let her do most of the painting [she just needed some guidance to prevent having a 1/4-inch thick blob on the seat of the chair!]
We went to Utah and saw my sister- and I threw a baby shower for her [in case you couldn't tell, she's holding some baby boy clothes up to her preggo belly!]
We also had a yard sale- Serra and Alex liked sitting in the boxes while we cleaned up after.
AND we had an Easter egg hunt with my Aunt & Uncle in Orem- Alex loved the eggs.
Serra was thrilled with having so much candy that she had to empty her bucket several times into a grocery bag- here's her spoils!
Happy Easter- bunny ears for both of them [not sure why they were both naked... I slept in a little bit and this is how they were "dressed" when I woke up to do Easter baskets.]
Alex discovered that he LOVES chocolate- here he is eating some Easter chocolate.
And both of our kids LOVE smoothies- here they are drinking GREEN smoothies [half spinach, half fruits].
Ian was warming up for a run and Serra decided that she needed to stretch too. :)
And, finally, here is Serra- I mean, Rapunzel. Whenever she watches Tangled she has to get her blanket and wrap it like this to resemble Rapunzel's long hair. I thought it was rather clever- even if it did take me about an hour to figure out what she was doing!