Serra was a BIG helper preparing the Thanksgiving feast. Here she is putting the potatoes in a pot after Ian chopped them.

And here she is helping to stir the gravy. Such a big girl!

Alex was NOT a big help... he was cranky pretty much the entire time. :(

Here's a pic of our Thanksgiving feast [I'll post more details about it in a little bit.] We had a very good Thanksgiving- it was a quiet day with just us 4, but it was one of our favorites.
It's been a while since I blogged, so here are some older photos to catch you all up.

This is a picture of when Alex was so dehydrated that he was completely lifeless- he kept throwing up and we were so worried that we took him to the ER. Serra was so concerned she wanted to lay on the bed with him and hold his hand. She is such a great big sister- I love this picture because you can see her love & concern for Alex. But I also hate this picture because it reminds me of how horrible Alex looked- he looks like he's dead, or like a doll- it's so sad.

Here is Serra in her Halloween outfit [Snow White] at a Halloween party thrown by our local Allstate office.

Silly Serra hung her baby doll between the counters at Subway in Rexburg. :)

Serra got her new "big girl bed"! It's a full- and she chose her sheet & blanket [not your typical choices by a 3 year old... but she loves them]

And lastly this is what WAS hanging above our door- until Ian decided it was too dangerous & knocked them down.
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