We drove down to Utah for Ian's brother's wedding last week. Gavin & Emily were married in the Salt Lake Temple with an open house shortly after at one of Ian's aunt's homes. Here's a picture of our family right before the open house.

The next morning, a baby shower was thrown for me to take advantage of so much family being in town. [Who's the beached whale on the couch?... oh yeah, it's me- 8 months pregnant!]

We stayed in our house in Lehi with my sister Paige, so that meant we got to see her and her fiance a lot. One of Serra's favorite people in this world now is her soon to be Uncle Mark [or "Marker" as she calls him].

In other news, we got the results back from Ian's biopsy- he still has H. Pylori! So he went through another round of pills [3 different ones to take twice daily for 2 weeks]. So hopefully it's really gone this time. Other than that, they have no clue what's hurting him still. He also had to have a filling redone and his teeth pulled/rotated- I'm telling you, his body is falling apart!
We are about to start another round of potty training attempts with Serra- I'm determined to be successful this time though. We have 2 months with no vacations. One month before the baby, and then if the baby makes her relapse a bit, we'll have another month before Paige's wedding to get it solidified again. So wish us luck!
Alex is continuing to grow and he still moves so much it easily makes me feel sick, or have indigestion, etc. Four weeks left as of yesterday, but still hoping he's a little early. I think we actually have everything we need for his first few months, anything after that I'd have to pull out and organize first to see what we're missing. Not as organized as I was with Serra, but I figure it's good enough for now.
I have been doing really well- went to a therapy session on my own and was told that I'm doing just fine. I obviously have emotions to work through still, but she has every confidence that I'll work through them on my own just fine- and with Ian. I've definitely gotten to the uncomfortable stage with my pregnancy and have started counting down the days. These last few weeks I am going to try and spend getting some more crafts done before Alex comes- and getting the house all cleaned up [it's been neglected for a few months].
And, just in case I don't come on here again before June: June is Safety Month- so learn what you can to make your family safer, whether it's baby-proofing, teaching "stranger danger" or the proper way to ride a bike in your town [helmet, hand signals].
I had to edit this post because I realized I totally forgot to mention my birthday! It was a good day, would have been better if I had more energy but I'll take what I can get. I turned 28 and Ian and I commented on how "old" I'm getting. I know 28 isn't really old, but it is for us! It's not even a milestone birthday, but for whatever reason it struck us both as momentous for me to turn 28.
The next morning, a baby shower was thrown for me to take advantage of so much family being in town. [Who's the beached whale on the couch?... oh yeah, it's me- 8 months pregnant!]
We stayed in our house in Lehi with my sister Paige, so that meant we got to see her and her fiance a lot. One of Serra's favorite people in this world now is her soon to be Uncle Mark [or "Marker" as she calls him].
In other news, we got the results back from Ian's biopsy- he still has H. Pylori! So he went through another round of pills [3 different ones to take twice daily for 2 weeks]. So hopefully it's really gone this time. Other than that, they have no clue what's hurting him still. He also had to have a filling redone and his teeth pulled/rotated- I'm telling you, his body is falling apart!
We are about to start another round of potty training attempts with Serra- I'm determined to be successful this time though. We have 2 months with no vacations. One month before the baby, and then if the baby makes her relapse a bit, we'll have another month before Paige's wedding to get it solidified again. So wish us luck!
Alex is continuing to grow and he still moves so much it easily makes me feel sick, or have indigestion, etc. Four weeks left as of yesterday, but still hoping he's a little early. I think we actually have everything we need for his first few months, anything after that I'd have to pull out and organize first to see what we're missing. Not as organized as I was with Serra, but I figure it's good enough for now.
I have been doing really well- went to a therapy session on my own and was told that I'm doing just fine. I obviously have emotions to work through still, but she has every confidence that I'll work through them on my own just fine- and with Ian. I've definitely gotten to the uncomfortable stage with my pregnancy and have started counting down the days. These last few weeks I am going to try and spend getting some more crafts done before Alex comes- and getting the house all cleaned up [it's been neglected for a few months].
And, just in case I don't come on here again before June: June is Safety Month- so learn what you can to make your family safer, whether it's baby-proofing, teaching "stranger danger" or the proper way to ride a bike in your town [helmet, hand signals].
I had to edit this post because I realized I totally forgot to mention my birthday! It was a good day, would have been better if I had more energy but I'll take what I can get. I turned 28 and Ian and I commented on how "old" I'm getting. I know 28 isn't really old, but it is for us! It's not even a milestone birthday, but for whatever reason it struck us both as momentous for me to turn 28.
Fun update lady! Good luck on the potty training and I hope that this next month goes well for you. I'm excited to hear that you have a son very soon.
I still have that suit I wanted to get out to you dang it!! I can't remember jack anymore! I will put it as a reminder in my phone! I thought 27 was old! tehehee! Glad that everything is working into place for you! I will send vibes your way that the next 4 weeks go by quickly! Good Luck!(oh by the way I was super organized with zoe when she was born after that I said phew..if we need it we will get it! lol) love ya miss ya
I'm the loser friend! Happy birthday! I should have watched Serra for you guys! I still will if you need a break. Hope to see you tomorrow.
You know what?!! Turning 28 totally did that for me too...weird huh? It just sounds so ... close to 30. In case we don't post again, good luck with labor and delivery--I wish you a nice and slippery delivery :-)
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